Iron Man 3 Trailer Reveals More Armors

Today, they just released the brand new trailer for Iron Man 3 that will accompany Oz: The Great and Powerful this weekend. The trailer reveals a lot of new stuff.

Blast past the jump to watch the trailer.


Wow, that’s a lot of stuff to intake. First off, we get a look at a lot more sets of armor that we first notified of when they released the new poster last week. And I do mean we see a lot more sets of armors. There are a lot of hints to Extremis, Armor Wars, and even Pepper receiving the R.E.S.C.U.E. armor. What else can you pick out? Hell, can you name all the armors? That’s going to a fun project this week. To help I found this cheat sheet courtesy of

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2 responses to “Iron Man 3 Trailer Reveals More Armors”

  1. Sean Cargill says :

    So, I think I’m going frame by frame. I want to know who flips Iron Man over onto his back in a quick snip it shows.

    • Danny says :

      There’s definitely a lot of information on the screen. I can’t wait to see it big when I watch Oz.

      Of course, I can’t wait for Iron Man 3 either.

What do you think?