Archive by Author | Natalia

The Secret Service – Mark Millar

secret serviceSo obviously if you have seen the new X-Men movie, Days of Future Past, you were treated to the trailer for Kingsman: The Secret Service. After watching the trailer Danny leaned over and told me it was based on a comic book. A comic book that had just barely come out.

I am always weary of a movie if it doesn’t have a strong base story, but hell, if someone read it and was so moved that they threw millions of dollars to make an action movie right off the bat… I had to read this book!

So Amazon pushed me around for a few days, but finally The Secret Service arrived. I devoured it in basically one sitting and am conflicted. Let’s talk it out after the trailer.

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Free Comic Book Day – Loot!

Free Comic Book Day  / California Bookstore Day has come and gone and I must say we made out like bandits. The bookish awesome kind of bandits anyway. This year the CYaN staff took it to the next level and hit up independent bookstores and the local library sale to celebrate. As you can see from the picture the selection is pretty varied. (click on the links to see what was available and more info on what we got).

Click the jump to see what my favorite pieces this year were: Read More…

The Amazing Spider-Man Review…2


The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is one of the most anticipated movies of the year and last night, this lucky girl got to watch it on a big-ass IMAX screen.

Spider-Whats-it? You’ve been living under a rock? Oh, lemme give you a quick summary.GWSPIDER
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) is Spider-man, a masked hero that uses his new abilities to save the city from villains. He lives with his Aunt May who is his only living family. He has a girlfriend, Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone), who knows his identity and understands the sacrifice that comes along with being a vigilante. She lost her father in the last movie during the climactic villain fight scene. Her father was the police chief and a big deal because her father put the kibosh on Gwen dating Peter because he knew that he was Spider-man (Spider-man is really bad at keeping his identity a secret).
Peter Parker’s life is just as busy as Spider-Man’s because other than normal post-high school living, he spends his time trying to unravel what caused his parent’s deaths. In the last film it was revealed that his father worked at Oscorp and developed some genetic tech that caused the transformation of Peter into Spider-Man. His father had a formula that would have taken the research to the next level and it cost him and his wife their lives.

OSbornIn this installment of the Spider-man story, we meet new and exciting villains as well as important people in Peter Parker’s life. Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan) comes into play as Peter’s friend and perhaps Spider-man’s next villain? *Cough Green Goblin Cough* (Not a spoiler, it says it right on IMDB).

If you have watched the trailer you must have seen the main villain of the movie Electro (Jamie Foxx). Jamie Foxx plays an insecure / delusional electrical engineer named Max Dillon. He suffers an accident and his body is negatively altered causing him to be reborn as the Super-villain Electro.


Will Peter Parker be able to juggle a normal life, a girlfriend, researching his parent’s work, AND his Spider-Man duties? Go to theatres this weekend to find out! Click the trailer to get pumped, then come back and click the jump to see what I thought of the latest from the Amazing Spider-Man….2.



My SPOILER-FREE review after the jump…

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Truly Outrageous

If this happens I think I will forgive the universe for trashing my childhood through reboots.

Gone Girl – Book to Movie

Gillian Flynn really pulled out all the stops when she wrote Gone Girl. It is a story of a husband who is publicly accused of murdering his missing wife. There is more to the story, but it is worth a read and the small details really add to the suspense of the overall story.

The movie is rumored to deviate from the novel which for many of the fans is important. For the non-readers out there here is the trailer for the motion picture starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike as main characters Nick and Amy Dunne. For those of you who have already read it stick around after the jump. Let’s discuss the mixed feeling we have.

Thar be spoilers ahead.

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Hugh Howey’s Wool: A Series Recommendation

Yeah, yeah I know, you’re all saying, “What? Another post-Apocalyptic society series”? Yes, but this thought provoking science fiction series gradually unravels an amazing world.

Firstly, this is not a YA romance novel being marketed as a survivor story. Secondly, the series unravels to reveal a deeper story. Thirdly, well, it is addictive. I read through books 1-5 in a week. It helps that the first two parts of the series are novellas. Read More…

NOS4A2 – Joe Hill A Book Review

NOS4A2_coverThis book explorers the world created in the mind and the carnage when it spills out into the physical world that we all share. Joe Hill (Locke & Key) has done an amazing job writing this horrific adventure story. His characters are so believable and have you rooting for them as their personal journeys are impeded by each other and their own flaws. Read More…

Ride Along – Movie Review

Ben (Kevin Hart), a high school security guard is trying to impress the  intimidating-detective-brother of his girlfriend, James (Ice Cube). Finally, he is accepted at the police academy, but James is not ready to give his blessing for Ben to marry little sister Angela. The solution? A  Ride Along!

When you watch the trailer for this movie you can pretty much guess the plot line and, at least in my case, you are going into the movie for the quick one liners and running gags. Kevin Hart’s rapid-fire dialogue will not let you down. Read More…

All I Want For Christmas – Chatroulette Version

Yeah, I know what you guys wanted.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Walter Mitty is a busy worker bee in the real world, but in his mind he is a range of adventurous, brave, and creative people. He jumps into burning buildings and sculpts hilariously over the top statuary. He says what he feels no matter how ridiculous it sounds. He is who he feels he should be… could have been. We follow him through a crazy month where one event threatens to undo 16 years of stable life. He is forced to step out of his comfort zone and borrow confidence that is typically reserved for his day dreamed persona.

I’ve just experienced The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I think releasing this movieskateboard around the holidays was a perfect choice because it has that perfect blend of heart and humor.

More after the jump… ( No spoilers, Promise) Read More…