Friday Fall Playlist

Indian Summer has ended and winter is not quite here yet. I need a mellow mix to help with the transition. I was listening to some Earth Wind and Fire earlier and I never actually realized how amazing the opening lyrics are:

Do you remember  the 21st of September / Love was changing the minds of pretenders /while chasing the clouds away

Immediate nostalgia mixed with hope, which is kind of what I feel when I think of Autumn. The rest of the songs were added to my Autumnal Equinox mix because they fit in that theme either by lyric or melodic feeling. Enjoy!

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About Natalia

Thanks for reading my article! I write mainly about music and books, but once in a while I will step out of my comfort zone if the right topic arises. Music-wise I listen to everything although my favorites are from the previous century. Check out the About Us page for some links to see what else I am up to online.

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